- Zs.Ádám, K. Lajkó, Gy. Maksa, F. Mészáros, Sequenced problems for functional equations, Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, 4/1, (2006) 179-192.
- Zs.Ádám, K. Lajkó, Gy. Maksa, F. Mészáros, Two functional equations on group, Annales Mathematicae Silesiana, 21, (2007) 7-13.
- Gy. Maksa, F. Mészáros, A characterization of the exponential distribution through functional equations, Inequalities and Applications '07, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switzerland, 157, (2008) 291-298.
- F. Mészáros, A functional equation related to characterization problems, Mathematica Pannonica, 20/1, (2009) 129-138.
- K. Lajkó, Gy. Maksa, F. Mészáros, On a generalized Hosszú functional equation, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 74, (2009) no. 1-2, 101-106.
- K. Lajkó, F. Mészáros, Functional equations arisen from the characterization of beta distributions, Aequationes Math., 78, (2009) 87-99.
- K. Lajkó, F. Mészáros, Some new functional equations connected with characterization problems, Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis, 25 (2009), 221-239.
- K. Lajkó, F. Mészáros, Functional equations stemming from probability theory, Tatra Mountains Mat. Publ., 44 (2009), 65-80.
- F. Mészáros, A functional equation and its application to the characterization of gamma distributions, Aequationes Math., 79, (2010), 53-59.
- F. Mészáros, Functional equations and characterization problems (in Hungarian), PhD, Thesis, 2010.
- F. Mészáros, K. Lajkó, Functional equations and characterization problems, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2011.
- K. Lajkó, F. Mészáros, Multiplicative type functional equations arising from characterization problems, Aequationes Math., 83, (2012), 199-208.
- A. Járai, K. Lajkó, F. Mészáros, On measurable functions satisfying multiplicative type functional equations almost everywhere, in: Inequalities and Applications 2010, eds: C. Bandle, Birkhäuser, (2012), 241-253.
- K. Lajkó, F. Mészáros, General solution of a functional equation arisen from characterization problems, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest. Sect. Comp., 39 (2013), 291-302.
- K. Lajkó, F. Mészáros, G. Pap, Characterization of bivariate distributions with conditionals of the same type, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest. Sect. Comp., 41 (2013), 73-84.